Friday, March 27, 2009

Due Date...

and no baby yet. Feeling pretty good, just wishing I hadn't listened to the doctor on Monday when he led me to believe BGG would come early. It definitely got me excited that by now our little one would be here. Now I'm working to reset my clock that today is the due date and I'm not late yet. She'll be here whenever she's ready! We hope this isn't a sign of things to come- always waiting for her to finish her hair, get dressed, throw on a shirt or shoes (in a tribute to her Auntie Kelly) etc...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting ready...

Just a quick update about BGG... saw the doctor this morning and we're definitely progressing (3cm dilated). He assured me that she'll arrive this week and I'm holding him to it. I'm feeling good but getting pretty anxious to NOT be pregnant anymore. As my mom pointed out, much to my dismay, I've been pregnant 18 of the last 22 months... UGH. We can't wait to meet our little girl face to face!

Here are a few pictures of Will's last days as an only child!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taking the monkey to see the monkeys!

Last weekend was simply beautiful here in Pittsburgh, so we took the opportunity to take Will to the zoo. We were lucky that Damon and Amy were in town so we all got to go. It was a great day! Will loved the monkeys (of course) and the aquarium!

Checking out the sleeping lion with Dad and Pap.

Trudging up the hill to see what's next!

Will, are you looking at the giraffe or Nan's necklace??

One of the baby cute!

Playing around with Uncle Damon.

MONKEYS!!!!!!! We aren't sure who was more excited, Will or Damon. They both had their faces pressed up against the glass squealing.

Hanging out with Aunt Amy.

Grinning at the fish!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Big ONE!

Will's First Birthday was tons of fun for all of us! We were so happy to have our families and friends join us to celebrate. We ate all the fun things you get at a baseball game, hot dogs, soft pretzels, and nachos! The kids chased each other around with inflatable bats and munched on peanuts and crackerjacks! Here are some pictures of the Big Baseball Bash in celebration of Will's first year, the beginning of spring training and Joe's favorite sport!

Will's cake and cupcakes for the kiddos. And, the inflatable cooler that Joe insists will be the baby pool for the kids this summer!

Hmmm... not so sure...

Whoa! This stuff is good!

Mom and Dad, you've been holding out on me... sugar is fantastic!

With my second cousins.

New bat!

Maddy, I love you, but don't touch my presents!

With the Guarino half.

With the Antonetti half.

Thank goodness this only happens once a year... too much birthday!

Thank you to so many of you for your cards, calls, emails and gifts. We have been so lucky to be so loved during this first year of our little guy's life. He is our perfect gift!

In another display of Guarino parenting prowess, Joe and I also discovered that Will's first two molars are in on the top. We think this must explain his recent fussy nights. Will also got 2 more teeth for his birthday(this makes 10 total) and a nasty cold. It has taken us an entire week to recover. Poor little guy.

In BGG news, I'm feeling well and doing well according to the doctor. Due date is March 27th but I'm hopeful that she'll arrive a bit sooner! We are anxious to meet her!