Monday, October 24, 2011

Field Trip!

Will's first school field trip was to the pumpkin patch.  We had a great day!

Our new friends, Emily, Brooke and Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn and Gabe were born on the same day at the same hospital! We've decided an arranged marriage is in order!
 On the hayride with Nan.
 Picking some good ones.
 Painting with Brooke.
My pumpkins...
 Playing in the straw pile with classmates Garrick and Brooke.

 Farmer Will.
 Farmer Ella.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

House update...

It really is amazing how fast they have put up our house.  In just about a week it went from a cement hole in the ground to a full blown house.  They finished the plumbing, heat and AC this week.  The electricians will work this coming week and shingles, insulation, and drywall are next.  We are SO excited!  The kiddos are just dying to get inside and check it out.  Wednesday will be their first tour.

Here are a few pictures of the progression.   

Just three really large piles of boards.
 Framing- this was just one day of work for the crew of 8 Amish guys.  Unbelievable. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Under Construction!

We are officially under construction with the new house!  The foundation is poured and the lumber has been delivered.  The framers are working this week and we are on schedule to be ready for move-in right around Thanksgiving! Will is particularly excited about this process as construction is his favorite activity.  He insists on a drive-by before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We think there may be a little misunderstanding around the equipment that is parked in what will be our backyard...sorry Will, we don't get to keep the front-loader or bulldozer... bummer.  Here are some pictures of our adventures in stalking our new house!

Watching them digging the foundation.

The enormous pumper truck that poured the foundation.
The frame for the foundation.
Having fun throwing rocks in puddles in our backyard.
Ella loved her muddy shoes!

The foundation with the forms taken off. Our basement and a view of our backyard. The kids are standing in what will be the garage.
Standing in the backyard looking toward the front while the front-loader comes up what will be the driveway to backfill around the house.
I'll be sure to post pics of the framing at the end of the week.  It should really look like a house by then and not just a giant hole in the ground!