Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gabe's getting big!

Gabe is changing quickly these days.  He started brown rice cereal, is up on his hands and knees and trying desperately to crawl (he's not even 5 months yet! good grief!), can sit on his own for a few minutes, and loves to play with Will and Ella. NO ONE makes him belly laugh like his sister.  He still doesn't sleep much at night, but we love the little bugger anyway! Here are some new pictures of the little monkey!
 Hmmm.... not so sure about this food stuff.
 Alright, maybe.
 Yeah man!

 Gimme that, I'll just do it myself!

 I'm coming to get you!

 Slobber monster.

 Whoa, how did I get all the way over here??

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween from our family to yours!
Will Trick or Treating and parading at school.
 Ella passing out candy to Will's classmates!

Making spider Hats with Nan on Halloween morning
 The Pirates!

 The King... He's gonna hate us for this someday...

 Ella serenading him.
 Ready to go!
 Showing off her lipstick and earrings.
 A visit from Frankenstein's monster, or Uncle Frank as we called him!

 With Mrs. Dzikiy the neighbor.  She gave them cake pops and they went a little nuts...
 The neighborhood haunters... Mrs. Dzikiy, Nan, Damon, John and Luke.
 Happy Halloween!!!

Pumpkin Carving

Some pumpkin carving with the family.  Good times!

 Beautyshop Ella doing Aunt Amy's hair!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Field Trip!

Will's first school field trip was to the pumpkin patch.  We had a great day!

Our new friends, Emily, Brooke and Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn and Gabe were born on the same day at the same hospital! We've decided an arranged marriage is in order!
 On the hayride with Nan.
 Picking some good ones.
 Painting with Brooke.
My pumpkins...
 Playing in the straw pile with classmates Garrick and Brooke.

 Farmer Will.
 Farmer Ella.