Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Card Rejects...

Thought you might enjoy a few of our not-so-good attempts at taking a Christmas picture. I was seriously tempted to put the last one on our card, because it so accurately represents our never-sit-still children!! (We did finally get quite a few good ones that I will post after the card goes out!)

Not the nicest background. Ella playing with the tree decorations waiting patiently in the bin.

Playing peek-a-boo by the chair.

Eating the blanket.


"All I want for Christmas is your nose."

"Who is this kid in my shot???"

We call this "Big Cheesy Face"

Running away...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving Thanks!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in PGH this year! We spent the day watching the parade, eating way too much, and going to the Festival of Trees. The kids sat on Santa's lap, and hated it!! We just had to laugh because it was quite a scene. Some pics of our fun!

The turkeys hiding in the fog in our backyard Thanksgiving morning!!

Will at Nan's with his Happy Thanksgiving Elmo slippers!

Prior to stuffing our faces. Will's shirt says, "Who are you calling a turkey?" So appropriate...

Will and my grandmas eating pumpkin pie.

At the Festival of Trees, a family tradition!

Will hugging the snowman.

Nan wrestling with squirmy Ella.

Watching the model trains. Mesmerized.

And Santa... and tears. Perhaps not the best Christmas card shot...