Friday, March 5, 2010

Birthday Boys!

Will and Joe both celebrated their birthdays in February. Joe the BIG 3-0 and Will the BIG 0-2! Unfortunately, due to a bad bout with the flu, celebrations were delayed. Will had his "Mickey Birthday Party" a week late, but had a great time nonetheless. We can't believe our little guy is already 2. He's grown and changed so much and we love him dearly! What a wondrous, blessed, magical two years!!

Will helping Dad blow out his birthday candles.

Uncle Damon and Aunt Amy bought Will a flight jacket for his birthday. He's so excited to have one, "just like Uncle Damon's"!

The sick little birthday boy and his Mickey balloons.

Wearing his ears from Nan and Pap!

In his new tent from Mom and Dad.

Finally his party! With buddy Benjamin.

Will's cake (yep, I made it!).

The big event!

Ella bored by the whole ordeal.

Madeline cheesing it up!

The kiddos taking a whack at the pinata! Most of the grown-ups stayed upstairs away from the flying bats and candy!


Courtney M. O'Mara said...

I am super impressed by the cake, Jo! Nice work!

Judy said...

Hello, Guarino Family! Great Pics!!! The Obreza Family had a super time at the Birthday Party..........can't wait for party #2 coming soon. J, J, J, and J (guess who?)