Sunday, May 23, 2010


Here is a video of Will playing baseball in the house (thanks, Joe). The boys have decided that playing with the baseball tee is for "little kids" and Will is a "big kid" so he's going straight for swinging at the pitch. Left handed no-less. Our little slugger! Enjoy! Video of talking, dancing Ella soon to come!


Tim Malyszko said...

Slugger! I can't wait to see the dancing Ella!

rachnd1213 said...

We had to implement a no high-sticking rule in our house today for the golf clubs. We might need to start a pool to bet on who has the first broken window. And as much as I fear the outcome, I really want to encourage the games.

Stef said...

That team name didn't sound like the red sox... I will have to help him learn what team he SHOULD be playing for. SO cute!