Monday, June 21, 2010

Random fun...

A few of our recent adventures!

At the Pittsburgh International Children's Festival. We saw three wonderful performances of children's theater. Parents, if a show from Russia called AGA BOOM ever comes your way, don't miss it with your kids of all ages!! Both Will and Ella were mesmerized and laughing out loud!
Playing some tennis on the lawn between shows.

Benjamin and Jennifer taking a turn! (Congrats to the Powell's on the super exciting news that they are expecting Baby #2!!) We can't wait for him or her to get here!

Ella trying out the hula hoop.

Ben giving it a shot!

Daddy's girl...

Adventures in eating...
Will and Ella just LOVE to cheers with their milk. Sometimes this makes meals extremely long as it can go on for quite a while. They are adorable though...

Ella LOVES to eat. And she can surely pack it away!! Here she is sharing her snack!

Spaghetti night. Will, spotless (and would have been at Ella's age too).

Ella. No more need be said.

Playing some corn hole at our neighborhood block party. We have so much fun shutting down the cul-de-sac, rolling out the grills and coolers, and playing the evening away with our dear neighbors!

Will has a serious obsession with red clothes at the moment. Some days he won't wear anything else. I have decided this is a battle I'm not going to pick. I had the cutest outfit picked out for him for the block party, but he insisted on his red Elmo t-shirt and red Nike shorts... oh well, I just do laundry frequently :-)

Ella playing in the Pirate ship with Gracie at the block party. The kids LOVE this water table from Auntie Lynn and Uncle Dave!!!

1 comment:

Tim Malyszko said...

Great Pictures. The kids are so cute. My brother Dan was obsessed with black when he was little. He eventually grew out of it.

We miss you.